"I hold on to You for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post..." Psalm 63

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1,000,000 steps a day...

We're four blocks from the beach here. At first if felt like the perfect distance...gave us a chance to walk off some of the calories consumed by Justin's cooking! But today, it feels as if we've walked over 1,000,000 steps back and forth several times! The weather has been perfect, though...certainly no complaining here. 3 more days til we're back to reality...I'd like to stop the clock! We'll head back to college shopping for Alex, school supply shopping for Nick and Emma, and who knows what awaits for the future of the shop. Lots of things I'd really rather put off til a much later day!

Until then, I'm enjoying morning walks on the beach and a little alone time with the Lord afterwards. Strange concept of spending quiet time on the beach....silence amidst the noise of crashing waves and crying seagulls. It's a good silence. This morning I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a homemade donut with my silence...THAT'S my kind of quiet time!

I'm asking alot of questions of myself and of the Lord...thinking through alot of scenarios, and coming to some possible decisions. I'd still rather have someone knock on my door and hand me a letter containing the right instructions...not going to lie, I'd prefer the easy way. But, I'm positioning myself in the right place to hear and trusting that when the time is right, I will have the directions I need. I never intended to be here again...not at this age. Asking for vocational direction again. There must be a new lesson in this...something I can't see for myself right now. From my vantage point it makes no sense. Why am I here again NOW? Not sure, and may never be sure. But in the meantime I'm doing the next thing that needs to be done, then moving to the next. I guess it's all I'm really required to be doing.

Give me a revelation
show me what to do
I've been trying to find my way
I haven't got a clue

Tell me should I stay here?
Do I need to move?
Give me a revelation
I've got nothing without you...
(Third Day)

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