"I hold on to You for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post..." Psalm 63

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A little yellow plow...

So this is what happened last night while we were sleeping....
and this is what it looked like this morning when we attempted to dig ourselves out...
this is Emma thinking she's too weak to shovel...
and this is the measuring device that tells us it's going to be long day...

For whatever reason, Alex decided to come home this weekend.  He EVEN decided to come home after he KNEW it would snow a bajillion inches.  And he EVEN came home knowing he'd be out with a shovel for several hours helping us dig out.  I love that kid. 

I found out I am not as strong as I wish I was.  About a half hour into the shoveling process I was ready to quit.  But so were they...so we continued on so that no one would quit. Meanwhile our neighbors had already finished up their own driveways with their snowblowers and were probably sipping hot chocolate  watching us struggle to make a dent in ours.  I'm not bitter.. But, it was a good time to teach my boys a lesson about buying themselves a truck and a snowblower when they're older so that they can dig out every single mom and old lady they know.  Just saying...
Eventually fatique won out and we just plain old QUIT and went inside.

About an hour later, along came a little snowplow from the business across the street, and within minutes, our cars were set free.  Our hard work managed to give us a great workout, but the best thing of the day was that little yellow plow.  THANK YOU, SIR.  I believe you just won yourself a little jewel in your crown!

I can now appreciate the view out the window...and I sort of like snow again. 

The plan for the rest of the day is NO-thing.

Maybe a movie or two...maybe a little food...maybe nothing else.


Jeane` said...

"Shovels Only" here, too!
And as I stand bra-less in my ill fitting pajama's, I see our neighbor jamming his snow plow down the front of OUR sidewalk, and I kick myself for not getting strapped up earlier that morning, so that I COULD have gone out to, at the very least, throw an appreciative wave his way. Anyhoo...shovels and brooms. That is what we have and use. But I will agree (because it's true, and you would have to think this), I am spoiled. I do have an older and younger man who did the deed for me. However, i was not basking in the stillness, sipping hot coffee inside. I was managing mayhem, as I do 24/7. So, even though I truly, truly felt for you having to bear most of the load on your own, I will admit to be a teensy bit jealous when I read you were doing NOTHING the rest of the day. Just a tad. Then I got over it.

You are a terrific writer. Keep it up!


vivien said...


i think it's so neat how GOD works out details.... like alex coming home for a concert but really was there to help shovel you out! :) GOD is good!

Terri said...

haha! jeane!!!! you made my day! it's not often someone tells me they are jealous of me, so i'll bask in that! i wouldn't say I did nothing...but compared to what i'm sure was going on over there...yes, maybe i did.
viv...it was truly a blessing to have his big, burly body here to shovel....and we actually had 24 straight hours with him at home. (at least if you count the hours he spent sleeping - and i do count those!)

Christine said...

I actually miss shoveling snow...wish I would've been there to help

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