"I hold on to You for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post..." Psalm 63

Sunday, September 19, 2010

To Nick...

Not sure how it happened, but another year has gone by already and you're having a birthday...again.  Seems like just a few days ago I was looking through old pictures and posting THIS.
I remember the doctor telling me that the first year is always the slowest year of your child's life.  He was right.  I didn't believe him, because at the time you were still pooping in your pants and most of my day was spent chasing after your needs with barely a moment to myself.  But he really was right...and now I kind of hate him for being right!

I'm guessing that since this last year went by so quickly, the coming year will as well...
in which case I've made a plan:

I'm locking you in the house all year long, taking away the keys and your phone and staring at you every minute of every day.  It'll be like trying to watch water boil and it will be the longest year EVER.  And I'll be happy about that, OK?

I've told you before, but I'll tell you again that I'm proud to be your mom, Nick.  I'm proud of the young man you are becoming and the heart that is developing for Jesus.  I anticipate that there are some pretty awesome things planned for your future.  My prayer is that you live every day of life with your eyes wide open so that you don't miss a beat of what God's got planned out for you.  Find joy in every day...even when it seems impossible, and look for Him around every corner. 

Happy 17th Birthday, Nick...
I love you,

1 comment:

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Happy Birthday to Nick...don't you love to see them grow and mature? What a blessing to see them becoming the person God has for them to be!

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