"I hold on to You for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post..." Psalm 63

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So I'm sitting at Panera Bread with my partner in crime, Amber Jacoby.
 {by the way she is a FABULOUS photographer, and if you need portraits done you should definitely contact that girl HERE
Anyway, we have this big problem, and I think I'm finally willing to talk about it.  We're stalkers.  We meet here often.  Sometimes just to hang out and talk...sometimes because she needs to edit photos {and I look over her shoulder and cheer her on}...and SOMEtimes it doesn't matter why we meet here because we get totally distracted and before we know it we have started stalking some of the coolest blogs in cyberspace. 

Let me clarify...we have our own definition of "stalking"...and it does not sound like the Wikipedia definition that goes something like this:
"Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted, obsessive attention by individuals (and sometimes groups of people) to others. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation..."
{cause that would be creepy...}

Our definition of stalking goes more like this:
"Two women living vicariously off of other people's talents and gifts...hoping that some of it will rub off on them.  These particular stalking behaviors are totally controllable and can be stopped at anytime."
{ Really.  They can.  If you want to.}

Today we both had a list of things to accomplish on our own computers...we skimmed the top of those lists but got stuck here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
and maybe a few more places...
And nothing else on our lists got done. 
Nothing but alot of stalking...good, clean controllable stalking.

On the home front, we've been drinking alot of THIS...
I've bought more Walmart brand lemonade mix this summer than ever.  On any given day there are teenagers coming or going around here, and I think I finally found an inexpensive way to keep them all hydrated. {because although just plain water is free, it doesn't mean it's fun to drink...and this stuff is sugar-free. Bonus!}  By this time of year, I'm tired of all the fresh fruit in my fridge and have decided it goes down just as well in the lemonade. 
About the third day of having it sit in the fridge it starts to take on an entirely new color {reminiscent of specimen cups, as Alex recently pointed out on his last visit}....but the flavors all mix together and it's downright addicting.  {I'm sure Nutrition Specialists all over the world would have a thing or two to say about the amount of fake sugar we've consumed this summer, but whatever...it tastes DElish.}

Emma insisted she get in on the pictures.  But, I promise, the straw didn't really reach into the jar- no worries, if you stop by anytime soon you won't be drinking backwash.

Nothing else very interesting happening around here.  It's "Fair Week" in our township.  Not my personal favorite week, but my kids have always loved it.  The mixture of farm animals, mud and manure do very little to excite me, but I usually break down for one evening just for an excuse to have some good food. 

I believe tonight is the greased-kid race. {Not to be confused with the greased PIG race which it used to be called before PETA or someone decided it was "in-humane" to grease the pig...thereby nominating the kids to be greased instead.  Not sure why that doesn't sound funny to anyone else...}

Very tempting...but think I'll pass.

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