"I hold on to You for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post..." Psalm 63

Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to school...

A sneak peek at our back to school weekend...
Alex couldn't get back to school fast enough...he was so excited to see the friends he's missed all summer and reunite with his roomate...
after a couple of hours of unpacking...to which my son and his laid back suitmates couldn't have cared less about, things were finally in place and settled in...
I know, pretty creepy to have food in your bathroom, right?  Apparently not if you're a bunch of college boys.  {Notice the back of the toilet has mom's gift of Lysol...the Bleach wipes are out of view}
The two adjoining bedrooms have separate themes:
The snack room...
and the Study room...
I'll leave you to decide which side Alex resides in.

6am came way too early for the rest of us this morning...so after a quick one of these
and a quick snap of these
a prayer at the door
 and a walk down the street to a new bus stop-
a new year has begun!

{It's not cool for mom to wait for the bus in her pajamas, so if she sneaks a peek out the front window, she could probably snap a picture of the wait

and the chuckle when the short bus comes to pick them up}

The house is quiet for the first time all summer long.  We've made some great memories the last few months, but it was time for us all to get back into a routine. 

Hello, new school year, nice to meet you.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Another school year! Isn't it funny the things we use to measure time?

Hope the kids and you have a great year!

lindsey said...

Glad you had a good summer...the only one in my family to go back to school is me....and thats to work! Our summer went far too fast but we did do lots of things and saw God's blessings all the way!

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